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The Process...

Step 1: Choose a figure (can be fictional) and ‘interview’ them to determine their opinions based on the current events of the time.

Make sure you and your group members have a variety of opinions to represent different perspectives of the time.

Step 2: Research & Write
Visit the following sites to get an idea of what life was like in the 1770’s and make sure you include the following information in your interview:

  • Who was this person? (Provide background information like their country of origin, childhood, socio economic status, etc.)
  • Has this person made a significant contribution to the young nation of the time? If not, how might they feel about the current unrest and actions being taken by our government?

    If you'd like more information about the American Revolution, feel free to use the Bucks County Free Library website to look up additional resources in your library and beyond.

    Step 3: Collaborate
    Based on your interview, present your subjects perspective to your group members. Have a discussion on whether or not actions taken by our government were just based on the events of the time. Compose an editorial in support or critique of our government of the time.

    Step 4: Create a Final Product
    As a final product, your group may: Submit a newspaper compiling all interviews of group members with proper format and pictures included. Editorial should be in letter format.
    Role Play: Read your interviews aloud to the class adopting appropriate mannerisms of your subject. Feel free to dress up or use props for your presentation!

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